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Legal Notice / Disclosures

grovana eG

Gewerbegebiet Nord 9
5222 Munderfing


Company register number:    FN 606583i
Tax number (UID):                    ATU79667228

Executive Director:                  Rafael A. Jaron & Willem Brinkert


This webpage and related information are intended to be of general interest only and should not be construed or viewed as individual impact placement recommendation, advice, or strategy. All impact placements involve risks, including possible loss of principal. The value of impact placements can change, and co-owners may not get back the full amount placed. Past performance and information provided by competitor, analysts, and other parties do not guarantee future results.There is no guarantee that the cooperation will meet its objective. Performance may also be affected by force majeure, currency fluctuations, increased price fluctuation, market conditions, economic instability, government regulation and political developments, or other affecting factors out of the corporation‘s control.

Considering that in the past, some individuals and organizations have misused others‘ willingness to create an impact and promising returns through afforestation, grovana is taking extra measures to ensure the impact placement is used for its defined purpose. This is done through various means such as the selection of organizational form, co-ownership, external audits, and collaborations with trusted partners.


The content, structure, and appearance of this web page is protected by copyright. Any use without written approval by grovana eG is not allowed and not permitted.

grovana eG checks and updates information of this webpage regularly. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee for accuracy, correctness, completeness, and timeliness of the information, content, and data provided.

grovana eG takes no liability and responsibility for any 3rd party content, information and data provided, e.g. through links or references.

For questions, please contact us.


    grovana eG

    Gewerbegebiet Nord 9
    5222 Munderfing